Metal pipes can’t grow like plants do !
submitted by St Clare's College Pembroke Secondary : Angela Spiteri Hogan for 11-14
campaign: YRE Entry
dissemination(s): school media
Proof of dissemination: Click to view Click to view Click to view
Dissemination description: Social media
sustainable development goal(s): life on land
filed under Photos Reporting photo
1. This broken piece of metal was found very close to some recycling bins so the fact that whoever was trying throw this away was too lazy too is very surprising.
2. This pipe was probably broken off as an act of some sort of vandalism of some builders left it behind and judging by the state of it its been there for a while.
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
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- 11-14
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- 7-10
- 11-14
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- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
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- WasteServ Award
- WER Award