No one is responsible and the ghost gets the blame.

submitted by St. Nicholas College Rabat MIddle School : Eco-schools Committee  for 11-14
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): Notice board in our school which was also displayed during the Science Week., other, school media, website
Proof of dissemination: Click to view
Dissemination description: We disseminated the photo using these methods: 1. School website: 2. School FB page: 3. Notice board at school (photo above)
sustainable development goal(s): life below water, responsible consumption and production, sustainable cities and communities
filed under Photos reporting-photo
awarded: Finalist, WasteServ Award

This photo was taken on a sandy beach during a clean up event. This pile of discarded fishing gear can kill a lot of sea creatures since they get tangled in them or swallow them and die. No one is responsible for these nets since they do not have a known owner and are call Ghost nets with cause what is known as Ghost fishing.

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