Cycling the Talk

submitted by G.F Abela Junior College : Isaac Sam Camilleri  for 15-18
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): newspaper, school media, tv, website
Proof of dissemination: Click to view Click to view
Dissemination description: Dissemination was tackled by sending emails to Maltese journalists. After the emails were sent, a call was given to the same journalists sent to better describe the article and to remind them regarding the article. Wednesday 3 June 2020 at around 6:30 pm an interview will be held live on net tv program Net Lve as part of the National bicycle day. While writing this application the article I uploaded on Inews (In Maltese) and on Newbook( In Maltese and English). Upload on other news sources was not excluded as they are still considering it.
sustainable development goal(s): climate action, good health and well being, sustainable cities and communities
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist, Sustainable Mobility Award

Malta one of the smallest nations in the EU with the highest population density, despite its tiny size, has a very high rate of car usage. Being a student myself I decided to investigate why bikes to commute are not so popular. I investigated this by interviewing the president of the NGO Bicycle Advocacy Group BAG, my college Principal, Transport Malta (TM), Infrastructure Malta (IM) and the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects, Dr. Ian Borg.

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