From Eco-School student to environment entrepreneur.
submitted by Immaculate Conception School Tarxien : Kyla Nicole Psaila for 11-14
campaign: yre-entry
dissemination(s): other, School Facebook page and shared by influencer, school magazine, school media, website
Proof of dissemination: Click to view Click to view Click to view
Dissemination description: This article has been uploaded on the Facebook page of school - It has also been shared on School Community Channel on Microsft Teams. Article has beel uploaded on school websire - Article will also be published on our school annual yearbook. Article also shared by thrifting influencer mentioned in article
sustainable development goal(s): climate action, no poverty, quality education, sustainable cities and communities
filed under Articles
awarded: Best Entry, Finalist
The article is about how Eco-Schools is a great opportunity for anyone and how greatly it can affect your life. It also is about how positively it affected Samira Axiak. An ex Eco-School student who is now an environmental entrepreneur. She is also a thrift shop co-owner with Maya Mifsud. The article has also a transcribed interview that I carried out with her. It shares information about the shop and her views and perspectives on certain things.
All the Articles
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Photos
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award
All the Video Clips
- 7-10
- 11-14
- 15-18
- 19-25
- Best Entry
- Participation
- 1st place Litter less Campaign
- 2nd place Litter less Campaign
- 3rd place Litter less campaign
- Honorable Mention
- YREstayshome
- 1st place international
- International Honorable Mention
- 2nd place international
- 3rd place international
- Shortlisted internationally
- Best Entry International Collaboration
- Best YREstayshome Award
- Sustainable Mobility Award
- Most active YREstayshome participant
- YREstayshome International Award
- New Category
- Disqualified
- Commended
- Finalist
- HSBC Award
- NT-FEE Award
- WasteServ Award
- WER Award