Mdina – a picturesque photo

submitted by Giovanni Curmi Naxxar Higher Secondary School Malta : John Charles Fenech  for 15-18
dissemination(s): newspaper, radio, school magazine, school media
Proof of dissemination: Click to view
Dissemination description: Students' work was published on "The Malta Indipenedent on Sunday"', displayed on the school's notice board, published on the school's newsletter "What's On", and the students were invited to speak ab
filed under Photos

Malta – an island with a great and unique history. Within this island on can find amazing cities and citadels, like Mdina! And then, great rubbish in hidden areas! This photo shows a contrast between the beauty that man can create, the beauty that nature can create, and the ugliness that humanity can create. Humanity has lived along side nature for quite some time and has created some of the world’s wonders over time. One can ask ‘how can the same creature which created the marvellous citadel Mdina, could create this miniature mountain of rubbish?’ Some might say that in order to create such a wonderful citadel, hosting a variety of culture and such unique architecture, colateral damage must be made, such as the production of waste (this applies to everything, our homes, other cities and so on).

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