Reusing at its best!!

submitted by Gozo College Middle School : Jeremy Gatt  for 11-14
campaign: Litter Less Campaign Entry
dissemination(s): school magazine,website,school media,other,EkoSkola Noticeboard, EkoSkola blog
Proof of dissemination: Click to view
Dissemination description: Photo upload on school website, ekoskola blog, Hajja f'Ghawdex publication, school noticeboard. Will be published in school magazine.
sustainable development goal(s): affordable and clean energy, industry innovation and infrastructure, life on land, quality education, sustainable cities and communities
filed under Photos Reporting photo

Crib making is a popular tradition in the village of Xagħra. They are made in all sizes from matchbox to larger than life. Various materials are used in their production. The Xaghra Branch of the Society of Christian doctrine (M.U.S.E.U.M.) excelled in giving a new life to various discarded materials and objects in the making of a large mechanical crib.
The crib knows its beginning in 1969. Old washing machines, disused timing belts, bicycle chains, used cardboards, plastic caps, old clothes, discarded pieces of wood and parts of broken furniture and similar materials have been used to build this crib. During a visit on site, Mr. John Attard, Mr. Peppi Theuma and Mr Joe Borg, the masterminds behind this project, opened the ‘insides’ of the crib and explained in detail the construction process involved in the making of the crib. It is clear how every object is meticulously and very cleverly adapted and used, giving it a new and actually useful purpose. Indeed, a great way of reducing litter!!

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